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    Know-How Drum Synths MASCHiNE TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | April 22 2017 | 474 MB

    MASCHINE expert covers MASCHINE’s Drum Synths in detail, showing you everything you need to know to understand, build and use Drum Synths’ drum sounds and kits in your songs and productions! Sami starts off with an in-depth overview of Drum Synths and its common controls and parameters, including how to load and save presets. He then explores and explains each of the different drum modules and then gives you sound design tutorials on how to make a variant of the eternally popular 808 kit, and an authentic Techno drum kit with melodic parts. See the individual tutorial descriptions below for more info. If you’re new to MASCHINE Drum Synths or just want more detailed info about what it can do, watch “MASCHINE Know-How: Drum Synths” today!

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3h46
    Know-How Drum Synths MASCHiNE TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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