Complete Guide: How to Promote
Your Music Online & Offline TUTORiAL
TEAM COMPRiSED | 2015.09.10 | 1.18 GB
Need help in getting your music ‘out there’? Have an upcoming album or music video release and want to make the most of it? Do you want to grow your fan base and attract more opportunities for your music career? You could pay an agency hundreds or thousands of dollars to help you with these things (lets be honest – IF you find one that doesn’t try to snake you…) Or you could do it yourself for way way less. This course is designed to be an all inclusive guide on how to promote your music online AND offline. We’ll continuously be adding more lecture videos on different music marketing topics, so the value in this course is ever expanding. Think of it as your go-to hub for music promotion. If you want to build your Facebook presence, you can watch the videos on that and take action. If you need tips for music marketing at your upcoming show, you can watch the videos on that and prepare what you need. All from 3 different instructors who bring their expertise in music promotion, branding, social media marketing and sales.
What are the requirements?
Basic Internet Skills
The Desire + Dedication To Market Your Music Both Online and Offline
A pen and a notebook is suggested you can also take notes in a virtual notepad included in the courseWhat am I going to get from this course?
Over 35 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
How to promote your music on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter
Build a list of fans that WANT to hear about your music and upcoming shows
Market your brand and gain more fans at shows
Hear from successful musicians on what they’re doing to promote their work
Book more gigs weeks in advance
Learn how to dominate social media to self promote yourselfINFO/DEMO:
How to Promote Your Music Online and Offline TUTORiAL-COMPRiSED
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