  • How to Play Piano TUTORiAL 2018

    How to Play Piano TUTORiAL 2018

    P2P | 26 October 2018 | 11.97 GB

    Music is a universal language, and the piano is the ideal instrument to bridge the gap from listener to player. From folk melodies and holiday tunes to challenging classical forms or jazzy improvisation, the piano is also one of the most versatile instruments you can learn, allowing both melodic lead and harmonic accompaniment. Yet, too many people who want to play don’t know where to begin—or believe playing requires too much investment of time and tedious practice—so they miss out on the joys that playing even a simple melody can bring. It’s a myth that in order to play the piano, would-be students require years of private instruction along with hours of tedious exercises. While it’s true that mastery of the piano is a lifelong process, anyone can learn to play a recognizable tune in a matter of minutes—and with the right guidance and a little encouragement, those first simple notes can put you on the path to one of life’s richest experiences.

    How to Play Piano is your opportunity to pick up the marvelous skill of playing the piano. Taught by acclaimed pianist Professor Pamela D. Pike of Louisiana State University, these 36 accessible lessons give you the building blocks you need to go from an interested novice to an expressive and talented player, whether you have a grand piano or a simple electronic keyboard to work with.

    Blending music theory and history with hands-on examples and step-by-step instruction, Professor Pike takes you on a journey from learning how to sit at the piano in the first place to inverting chords, arpeggios, sight-reading, and much more. The secret to this course is that Professor Pike invites you to learn by playing. You will be at the piano from minute one—and, in fact, you will learn how to play a melody from Beethoven’s Ode to Joy by the end of the first lesson.

    How to Play Piano TUTORiAL 2018
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