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  • How To Finish Your Music TUTORiAL-HiDERA

    How To Finish Your Music

    HiDERA | 29 April 2022 | 1.85 GB

    Over the next two hours, he outlines a 10 step process to help you get your tracks that are sitting on your hard drive collecting dust to a place where someone’s ears other than yours get to enjoy them too! Jaytech guides you through the process by breaking it down into simple, bite-sized tasks that can get your rough draft to a fully completed track in a fun and creative but meaningful way that’ll also increase your knowledge and production skills along the way. A must watch for every producer out there!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/ao0Wh
    How To Finish Your Music TUTORiAL-HiDERA
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