How To Build A Music Brand
P2P | 19 August 2022 | 1.68 GB
I think it’s time to have a real conversation about what your goals are and how you plan to get there. In this course you will learn how to attract the right music fans and nurture brand loyalty without begging people to listen to your music. I’m hoping to change the way musicians approach their marketing with a plan that works to attract people to their music so they no longer have to pitch music and beg for listeners. This course is going to change all of that for artists and give them a means to create more impactful content that actually attracts people to their music. That’s less time wasted for everyone and more impact for the time invested in effective attraction marketing. Rather than a Push music in front of people strategy, Artist can enjoy creating content that attracts new targeted listeners pulling them into their world. Discover how easy it is to understand music branding with a great instructor who makes it simple.
What you’ll learn:
– You will learn how to attracting the right music fans and nurture brand loyalty without begging people to listen to your music
– By the end of this course, you will understand music marketing and be able to implement the strategy right away
– Discover how easy it is to understand music branding with a great instructor who makes it simple
– Understand how to create content that grabs attention and resonates with an audience
– Discover what makes you unique so you can stand out in your niche
– Learn how to attract an audience with your contentRequirements:
– Just you and an open mind to absorb fresh ideas.
– You can do everything with a cell phone or home computerINFO/DEMO/BUY:
How To Build A Powerful And Memorable Music Brand TUTORiAL
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