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  • FL Studio 20: Mixing and Mastering Vocals for Beginners TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

    FLS20 Mixing & Mastering Vocals

    FANTASTiC | 07 October 2022 | 219 MB

    The most crucial aspect of a song is the vocals. Your music will always sound amateur if you don’t nail it. Knowing how to mix vocals can elevate your overall quality much beyond the novice level. It doesn’t matter if you recorded your song in a professional studio with loads of costly gear or in your bedroom – your mix must sound professional. Nothing is more important than vocals. It also makes no difference if you’re talking about music, movies, television, or podcasting…everyone’s attention is drawn to the human voice. You don’t have to be a musician to detect poorly blended vocals. They’re discordant, unpleasant, and make you want to rip your ears out. And it may be upsetting if these discordant vocals are still audible after you’ve mixed vocals into your music.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/6j6g6
    FL Studio 20: Mixing and Mastering Vocals for Beginners TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC
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