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    First Song with Ableton Live TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | May 19 2016 | 522 MB

    Ableton Live includes everything you need to take your creative spark and turn it into a shareable masterpiece. In this video tutorial series, dance music hitmeister Timothy Allan takes you from start-up to wrap-up! Timothy first hits the ground running, teaching you how to import samples and warp them into a classic “four on the floor” dance groove which leads right into tutorials on how to get the most out of the Ableton Live Drum Rack.

    Now that the beat is under your belt, Timothy shows you how to create a killer bass patch using Operator, and how to get Sidechaining setup and going in Live. Then it’s time to learn the difference between Session View and Arrangement View, and all about Clips, including how to use the Clip buttons, and how to record and edit Clips. With your song well underway, it’s now time to start adding flourishes. Timothy shows you how to use MIDI Effects, how to Warp, Slice, Dice, and Effect Vocal Snippets, and how to use Instrument Racks.

    The finish line is in sight… Timothy shows you how to use Multi-Macro Mapping to map multiple controls to a single knob, allowing you to add cool, realtime multi-function moves to your tracks.

    Timothy now finishes up the arrangement, spices up the vocals, and reverses some audio files to add the final “wow” factor to the tracks. Last but not least, Timothy shows you how to export the final mix to a format you can share with the world!

    If you’re new to Ableton Live, and maybe even to digital music in general, “First Song with Ableton Live” will get you started and on the path of complete song creation. Check it out today!

    First Song with Ableton Live TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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