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    External MIDI Basics Logic Pro X TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | July 09 2015 | 180 MB

    Using external instruments with Logic has always been a bit of a “MIDI”-stery! This course explains Logic’s External MIDI tracks, the Audio MIDI Setup and the basics of how MIDI & audio flow in and out of LPX. If you’re like most of us, you’ve got a rack full of MIDI devices and keyboard synths that have been collecting dust from not getting enough use! This course, by Logic expert Booker Edwards, shows you how to awaken your sleeping hardware, hook them all up and get all their awesome audio into Logic and back into your productions. In this first course of a two part series, you learn about MIDI signal flow, audio signal flow and how to harness the power of the AMS (Audio MIDI Setup). Then, Booker takes you through different workflow examples controlling different MIDI devices. With graphics, animation and live video Booker brings these workflows to life, showing them in action to help you both see and hear how they work.

    External MIDI Basics Logic Pro X TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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