Drum Programming Masterclass Part 1
FANTASTiC | 06 August 2018 | 1.27 GB
Rhythms and Patterns
For years I’ve been teaching Music Technology in the college classroom. As a University Professor, my classes are sought after, and, frankly, expensive. I believe Ableton Live can be learned by anyone, and cost shouldn’t be a barrier. This class uses the same outline and syllabus I’ve used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. In this class, we are going to be making beats. Drum beats, in particular. You don’t need to know music theory, harmony, reading music, or any particular audio application. I’ll be using Ableton Live and some Logic in this course, but it will be easy to following along on whatever program you are most comfortable with. We will start the class off with basic rhythm theory, and learning where (typically) we put the kick, the snare, and the hi-hats. Then we will learn to adapt that pattern to work for a number of different styles. This is a comprehensive class – that means there are three (3!) different classes that together make the complete sequence. This is Part 1. (The best place to start!)
Also in the class we will be doing a number of analysis projects. That just means we will load up some tracks, and re-construct the beat in the track. Doing this will help us to see how those beats are built, and guide us in making our own beats.
Topics include:
•Tools of the trade
•Working on the Audio Grid and MIDI Grid
•The Bar
•The Pulse
•The 8th and the 16th
•”Counting” Bars
•Reading Drum Patterns
•Percussion Elements
•Where to find good, free, samples (My favorite sites!)
•Forming the Groove
•The “Basic Pattern”
•Off Beats and Down Beats
•… And much more!!!INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/7zcb
Drum Programming Masterclass Part 1 TUTORiAL
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