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    Digitone Demystified TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | May 03 2018 | 1.02 GB

    A deep synth like Elektron’s Digitone requires an in-depth course! Watch this 20-tutorial course by artist and trainer Thavius Beck, and learn to get creative with this modern-day FM synth monster. Frequency Modulation (FM) synths are often described as being unintuitive and complex to program. Elektron’s Digitone was designed from the ground up to make FM synthesis more accessible but still amazingly powerful. In this course, synth expert Thavius Beck takes an in-depth look at this unique FM/subtractive hybrid to help you get the most out of it. First, Thavius covers the basic of how FM synthesis works. You learn all about algorithms, frequency, operators, the relationship between carriers and modulators… all that fun stuff! After explaining how to start a new project from scratch, Thavius dives into sound design. You learn to create all kinds of sounds using envelopes, LFOs, filters and the on-board effects. Of course, Elektron’s legendary step sequencer is also covered in detail…

    Digitone Demystified TUTORiAL


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