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    Digital Distribution TUTORiAL

    Team DECiBEL | 09 Aug 2016 | 1.39 GB

    So you made a track, now what? Learn how digital distribution and other monetization models can work for you One of the biggest questions we hear is, what to do once you begin making music, signing music and creating a buzz with your name? Symphonic Distributions’s Jorge Brea not only runs one of the top digital distribution companies, but he built this company for this exact reason. He too was an artist and saw that there was a huge void in finding the information and tools to get your music in the right hands, to market yourself as an artist and to getting your music signed & released with top labels. This course provides you with the essentials in the next steps after you begin making music to make sure that you are up to date with the knowledge and the strategy for when your music is finished and your identity as the artist begins.

    Digital Distribution TUTORiAL-DECiBEL


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