  • Cubase Tips: Rapid Arrangement TUTORiAL

    Cubase Tips: Rapid Arrangement

    FANTASTiC | 14 February 2022 | 248 MB

    If you’re a fan of Ableton Live’s session view and scenes for live performance, then you should check out the Arranger Track. You can even use arranger track to perform live (exactly like Ableton Scenes). You can even bind them to keyboard commands and trigger your multitrack Cubase arrangement remotely on stage. Not sure what the perfect arrangement of you track would be? How many choruses should we have? What will this bridge sound like in different keys? With the Arranger Track, you simply build your section and “Flatten” out as many projects as your heart desires. This is a powerful ally in the search for the perfect arrangement!

    The implications of Cubase’s arranger track are massive. As producers, we often have musical ideas that we want to use and reuse. The old workflow meant copying and pasting… until now. In the real world, the arranger track makes it MUCH easier to:
    •Position transition fx
    •Reuse chord progressions
    •Reuse automation
    •Write and manage multi-part MIDI harmonies

    Project Description
    Hopefully, now you can see how the arranger track should be part of any professional workflow in Cubase. Now, I’ll encourage you to complete a class project – following the steps below and sharing your track!

    •First, create a new project (or download and use the “Arranger” file to get a quick start.
    •Next, create some simple real world arrangement events (verse, chorus, bridge, etc.).
    •Finally, create some arrangements using the arranger editor (try flattening out multiple arrangements just to see how easy it is!).

    For “extra credit” – try the following additional features:
    •Add automation or chord tracks to your arranger events.
    •Explore jump mode
    •Try the live performance features (similar to Ableton scenes)

    Cubase Tips: Rapid Arrangement TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC
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