  • Cubase 12 Update EXPLAiNED®

    Cubase 12 Update EXPLAiNED®

    HiDERA | 29 April 2022 | 294 MB

    Cubase expert presents a comprehensive series of video tutorials Cubase 12! If you’re curious about all the new features included in Cubase 12, such as the Scale Assistant, the various audio enhancements, and more, this course is the one to watch. Gary takes you step by step through each new feature and function and demonstrates how to use them with an actual musical track. These videos are for those who are already familiar with Cubase and just want to know about the new features in Cubase 12. Gary welcomes you and begins with the new licensing system, which does away with the dongle altogether. He then covers the many audio enhancements, including the new Cut Head and Tai Editing functions, the Slip Event (left or right) feature, Move End Event to Start of Cursor, and more. Then learn about the Advanced Crossfade Editor and how it allows for more precise control of your fades in all respects.

    Next, explore the Audio to MIDI Chords tool, which helps you identify the chords of a song and then transfer that data to a MIDI event on another instrument. The FX Modulator is then covered in detail, so you’ll learn all about the expanded functionality like using the MIDI Trigger mode with a sidechain source and more!

    Throughout the rest of the course, you’ll learn about the other important updates, including changes to the Logical Editor, new ARA Extensions functionality, new modules for the Supervision Metering plugin, the Raiser Dynamic Limiter plugin, and many more!

    To see exactly what these in-depth Cubase 12 update tutorials contain, and how they’ll have you implementing these new features and improvements quickly, check out the individual Cubase 12 update video tutorial descriptions on this page. Don’t let all these new enhancements go to waste … watch “Cubase 12 Update Explained®” now!

    Cubase 12 Update EXPLAiNED®
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