Crowdfunding Secrets For Musicians & Creatives
ilfsn | 26.08.2017 | 416 MB
Video + Class Project File
I just finished my 4th crowdfunding campaign for a new album which raised over $45,000 USD on Kickstarter. In total I have raised over $100,000 USD using the crowdfunding platform for three albums and one book. In this course I show you the exact marketing strategies I use to engage an audience and gain their support to back my campaigns. I have put this course together for you – to which you have full lifetime access, including all the updates. You also get direct access to me to ask any questions you have about setting up and or promoting your campaign. I “take you by the hand” and “behind the scenes” and show you everything, explaining it in simple detail with videos and written support lectures.
Crowdfunding Secrets For Musicians & Creatives Post: