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  • Connecting Studio Hardware to Your DAW Explained TUTORiAL

    Connecting Studio Hardware

    HiDERA | 18 June 2021 | 675 MB

    Studio expert presents a comprehensive video tutorial course on how to use external studio hardware with your DAW! See how to incorporate external hardware and analog gear like compressors, channel strips, effects, reverbs, delays and more into your setup, and discover how it opens up incredible sonic doors for your productions and mixes. These videos are designed for those who are new to setting up external hardware processing with their computer DAW. Patrick welcomes you and gives a brief introduction and rundown of what we will be covered in this video course, which is all about incorporating external hardware and analog gear into your DAW setup. Then you’ll learn about the pros and cons of working with hardware compared to working entirely in the box (Your DAW). Both workflows have benefits and drawbacks, so learning where each shines will help you to take advantage of the benefits with the least amount of drawbacks.

    Next you’ll learn the basic science of sound and and how to convert audio to and from the digital domain, as well as how that minimizing conversions is important to maintaining optimal sound quality. You’ll also explore a few different audio interfaces that can help you better plan your recording setup, and get helpful ideas for using external preamps and channel strips to greatly improve your sound quality, all while offering you the most flexibility.

    Throughout the rest of the videos Patrick covers topics like using external hardware as an insert, how to correctly use unbalanced devices, setting your external hardware up as an effects send, re-amping your guitars and other instruments including vocals, integrating a summing mixer, and much more!

    To see exactly what is covered in these in-depth working with studio hardware video tutorials and how they’ll teach you the needed basics to start using outboard gear with your DAW, see the individual external processing tutorial descriptions on this page. Break out of the box and add new flavors and colors to your recordings today… Watch “Connecting Studio Hardware to Your DAW Explained®” now.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://bit.ly/2S9B2U5
    Connecting Studio Hardware to Your DAW Explained TUTORiAL


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