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  • Compose Music With Artificial İntelligence TUTORiAL-MaGeSY

    Compose Music With AI

    P2P | 05 April 2024 | 624 MB

    Within the Scope of Our Training

    Compose Music With Artificial İntelligence-Passive Income and Active Income Generating Business Models. Our Compose Music With Artificial İntelligence-Passive Income and Active Income Generating Business Models by Addressing the Headings Our Training has been prepared.

    – Organized in 4 Sections and 27 Headings

    Part One
    – Compose Music With Artificial İntelligence
    2-Premium-Free Service Comparison
    3-Copyright-Sale Of Produced Music Works
    4-Do Problems Occur With Free Services

    Part Two
    – How to Compose Music
    5-How To Write Music Lyrics Using Chatgpt
    6-How To Compose Music in Different Languages
    7-How To Compose Music On Different Themes
    8-Introduction To Artificial Intelligence Platform
    9-How To Compose On A Theme
    10-How To Compose Music With Ready Lyrics
    11-How To Compose Music On Different Themes On The Platform
    12-How To Compose Cover Music
    13-Information On Cover Music Copyrights
    14-How to Compose Instrumental Music-Wordless Music
    15-How To Compose Corporate Music
    16-How To Download Created Music

    Part Three
    Business Models
    17-Spotify-Amazon Music-Youtube Music-İtunes
    18-Youtube Content Projects
    19-Premium Website Sales-Stock Product Sale

    Part Four
    Artificial Intelligence Generated Music
    20-English Music Examples
    21-Corporate Company Music English
    22-Instrumental Music Examples-Wordless Music
    23-Turkish Music Examples
    24-Spanish Music Examples
    25-German Music Examples
    26-French Music Examples
    27-Corporate Company Music Turkish

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/8oT5K
    Compose Music With Artificial Intelligence TUTORiAL
    ♪ Download ♪


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