Music Producers Guide To Mixing 2
English | 132 pages | PDF | 77 MB
(2st Edition)
Welcome to the Music Producer’s Guide to Mixing! This is the complete guide to helping you get perfect, professional-sounding tracks, no matter what music you make, and is brought to you by the experts at Computer Music magazine. It used to be the case that you could only really get a professional-sounding mix after years of experience working in a ‘proper’ recording studio with a (often huge) hardware mixing desk. Nowadays you get all of that mixing power – plus a lot more besides – in your software DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). So if you use one of the many DAWs out there – Cubase, Logic, Ableton Live, FL Studio, Bitwig Studio. Tracktion Waveform, or one of many more – then this guide is for you, and you already have everything you need to create perfect mixes on your PC or Mac.
CM Music Producers Guide To Mixing (2st Edition)
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