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    Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed 2017

    P2P | 16 April 2017 | 7.91 GB

    Wanna Rock? Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed is designed to be the fastest and most complete, step-by-step way to learn all of the skills, chords, licks, rhythms, riffs, and solo ideas you would need to play thousands of your classic rock favorites. And while it’s impossible to cover every single musical idea out there, I think you’ll see that the depth of Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed is such that you’ll be exposed in some way to darn near anything you would ever come across when you want to learn any classic rock songs. If you are already familiar with some of my other courses like my popular Blues Guitar Unleashed course, then you’ll already be comfortable with my style of teaching – and that, of course, is all over Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed.

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3h21
    Classic Rock Guitar Unleashed 2017 TUTORiAL


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