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    Chord Toolbox II Powerful Extended

    5 to 7 Note Chords TUTORiAL

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 22 September 2014 | 214 MB

    This course is for modern musicians of any genre that want to learn how to increase their chord palate and impress their music friends. If you play only classical music, you probably don’t want to take this course. If you play by ear, play charts or lead sheets, or have to improvise, an understanding of chords is vital. Length and format:60 minutes of video instruction discussing the chords and playing them at the piano. Worksheets and a summary sheet are also provided. Chords discussed: This course builds on the Chord Toolbox Part 1 and extends those 4-note chords to 5 to 7 notes by adding color notes.

    INFO: http://redi.se/h6w
    Chord Toolbox II Powerful Extended 5 to 7 Note Chords TUTORiAL-MAGNETRiXX


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