Masterclass Vocal Processing
SYNTHiC4TE | 06 June 2016 | 1.22 GB
Master the art of vocal processing with easy to follow video lessons in any DAW. In this comprehensive course you will learn all the tips, tricks, techniques and tools necessary to get your vocals sounding professional, fat and polished. You will learn everything from how to comp your vocals through to making your vocals sound massive, giving them presence and much, much more. We get straight into it and we go through all the tools and skills you need to make massive improvements to your own productions.
What you’re going to Learn
On this course we will take you right through from best practises for recording vocals through to a final polished and massive sounding end result.Over the course of 11 comprehensive lessons we’ll be covering all the tools, techniques and skills you need to take your vocal production skills to the next level. You’ll learn the best vocal recording practices so that mixing vocals later on becomes much easier, how to comp together multiple takes to get one really great vocal take. You will then learn how to tune and correct timing errors so that you can use incorrectly sung vocals instead of having to re-record a part.
You will also learn advanced editing techniques for both timing and pitch correction which can be session saving in many situations. You will learn all about vocal polishing using compression, EQ and other FX to give a steady sound and a brilliant and airy sound. You will learn advanced vocal mixing, adding harmonies and using double tracking and looking at the many ways you can create extra content from unused vocal takes or even when you don’t have any extra vocal takes.
We’ll be looking at advanced processing techniques to make your vocals sound fat, bright and thick; exploring a variety of techniques from standard processing like compression and EQ through to parallel distortion, saturation to name a few.
We’ll be looking at the ethos of mixing vocals and we’ll analyze why many producers can’t seem to get that ‘big’ sounding vocal in their tracks and how you can overcome that in yours.
Born To Produce Masterclass Vocal Processing TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
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