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    Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications TUTORiAL

    P2P 24 | MARCH 2015 | 1.75 GB

    In this course you will learn about audio signal processing methodologies that are specific for music and of use in real applications. You will learn to analyse, synthesize and transform sounds using the Python programming language. Audio signal processing is an engineering field that focuses on the computational methods for intentionally altering sounds, methods that are used in many musical applications. We have tried to put together a course that can be of interest and accessible to people coming from diverse backgrounds while going deep into several signal processing topics. We focus on the spectral processing techniques of relevance for the description and transformation of sounds, developing the basic theoretical and practical knowledge with which to analyze, synthesize, transform and describe audio signals in the context of music applications. The course is based on open software and content. The demonstrations and programming exercises are done using Python under Ubuntu, and the references and materials for the course come from open online repositories. We are also distributing with open licenses the software and materials developed for the course.

    Course Syllabus
    Week 1: Introduction; basic mathematics
    Week 2: Discrete Fourier transform
    Week 3: Fourier transform properties
    Week 4: Short-time Fourier transform
    Week 5: Sinusoidal model
    Week 6: Harmonic model
    Week 7: Sinusoidal plus residual modeling
    Week 8: Sound transformations
    Week 9: Sound/music description
    Week 10: Concluding topics; beyond audio signal processing

    Recommended Background
    The course assumes some basic background in mathematics and signal processing. Also, since the assignments are done with the programming language Python, some software programming background in any language is most helpful.

    Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications TUTORiAL


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