Audio Effects Workshop PDF
Team LiBER8 | 21.03.2015 | PDF | 353 Pages | 7 MB
The topic of audio effects probably excites more passion, more discussion, and more controversy than almost any other aspect of recording and especially mixing. Yet even after reading never-ending streams of magazine articles and participating in any number of discussions in the ever-expanding range of Internet audio forums, musicians and producers can still find the subject of effects shrouded in mystery, myth, and confusion. Used wisely, audio effects can play an important part in adding color, life, and clarity to a good mix. Used badly, they can and will spoil it. THE AUDIO EFFECTS WORKSHOP is designed to help anyone involved in recording and post-production understand audio effects and how to use them. First, you’ll learn about the nature of sound and how the human ear receives it and perceives it–foundational knowledge that’s key to understanding how audio effects work to modify sound.
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