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✅ Audacity Beginner TUTORiAL

January 16th, 2019 ⚡
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    Audacity Beginner TUTORiAL

    P2P | 16 January 2019 | 783 MB

    Learn How To Record,Mix And Editing

    Quickly learn how to use Audacity For Beginner in this short dense course, and get creative Ideas. You will now be able to offer high quality audio for podcasts,  courses, tedex, speeches, sermons, and more with these professional editing techniques! Stop wasting your valuable time searching the internet for the right material and get everything you need to edit and improve audio files easily in Audacity in this step by step tutorial course!

    What you’ll learn:
    •Import and Export audio using Audacity
    •Record Audio using Audacity (With Metronome and beat assistance)
    •Mix Audio using Audacity
    •Understand when to use Stereo and when to use Mono
    •Learn about concepts like Compression, Normalization, Equalization, etc.
    •Understand other creative ways to use Audacity.
    •Installation Guide

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/iea8
    Audacity Beginner TUTORiAL


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