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    Artificial Intelligence Music 2019

    FANTASTiC | 11 July 2019 | 676 MB

    …::: Creation and Remixing :::…

    Giant Tech firms have developed AI software that can compose music on its own. So, the machines will be composing soundtracks using Artificial Intelligence.  This game-changing course introduces you to new-age technologies in Artificial Intelligence music creation to help you become a music star in no time. Why learn this course and how is this a differentiator for music creators? This course can change your life if you are a music composer. Because, we will tell you the most popular Artificial Intelligence Music Creation tools that can help you compose music tracks without you – having any music knowledge whatsoever. We will also detail about the latest discovery tools in Music Mashups and also we will go through the complete tutorial of Adobe Amper and Jukedeck – great AI music assistants.

    What’s more?
    Welcome to the future as you will be able to know the chords behind every song and just hum to create music like popular artists. I meant – You can just hum to create songs in the style of the great artists.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/R8r2
    Artificial Intelligence Music Creation and Remixing 2019 TUTORiAL


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