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    Art of EDM Big Room TUTORiAL

    FANTASTiC | 13 Oct 2018 | 178 MB

    Want to produce dance music with Apple’s Logic Pro X? Watch this course by legendary producer Olav Basoski and discover how to create one of the “biggest” EDM subgenres around: Big Room! Popularized by Swedish House Mafia, Hardwell, and Martin Garrix to name a few, Big Room is known for its hard-style four-on-the-floor kicks, big builds, and energetic drops. In this course, you’ll see how trainer and dance music producer Olav Basoski creates an EDM track, and you’ll learn tons of artistic and tech tips to help you with your next music productions! First, you discover the 3 main soft synths used in Big Room, and you learn about their strengths and weaknesses. Next, Olav shares essential tips for creating big and powerful beats that cut through the mix. After laying the foundation of the track, he explores how to create tension and excitement on the dance floor, for that moment the crowd is waiting for… the drop! You will also learn essential arrangement tips and structure ideas, along with inside info to help you get that extra punch, including how to create what Olav calls the “Schlap” as well as some mastering advice. Last but not least, Olav ends the course by revealing that “magic” plugin he uses on all his tracks…

    So sit back and enjoy this info-packed course with the one and only Olav Basoski, and get the knowledge and inspiration you need to create your own EDM masterpieces!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/H29C
    Art of EDM Big Room Logic Pro X TUTORiAL


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