  • AKAi MPC Renaissance Software Instructional DVD Video SET 1.7-1.9 TUTORiAL

    AKAi MPC Renaissance Software Instructional DVD

    DRUMKiDS | April 9th 2017 | 2.16 GB

    Video SET 1.7-1.9 TUTORiAL

    If you own or are buying a Akai MPC RENAISSANCE MPC STUDIO OR MPC ELEMENT you are in the right place. If you really want to get up under the hood of the MPC software this 4 hour DVD is for you.

    – I will help you master the MPC software in no time. This instructional DVD will cover most every feature of the MPC Renaissance and MPCStudio (& Element) plus tricks and tips.
    – I Have been a beta tester for the MPC Ren and MPC Studio for 3 plus years. I also
    – helped get many of the MPC Software’s features into the MPC by working one on one with
    – the developers. Making me directly responsible for several features past and present.
    – So who better to teach you your MPC Studio / MPC Renaissance then myself?
    – Bottom line you will not find all the info on the DVD anywhere
    – The DVD can be used with both the MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio units(Also can be used to learn the MPC Element).

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    AKAi MPC Renaissance Software Instructional DVD Video SET 1.7-1.9 TUTORiAL


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