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  • Abstrakt Sonance: Deconstructs Tribe TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

    Deconstructs Tribe TUTORiAL

    Team DECiBEL | 30 December 2021 | 1.01GB

    1 Video / Duration: 2 Hours

    During this 2- hour live-stream, our Special Guest, Abstrakt Sonance will deconstruct his track, “Tribe” from his “Fire Dance” EP (listen below). You’ll get a glimpse inside of the mind of a production master.

    Abstrakt Sonance is inspiring the world with his music on a global scale. Between constant tours in Europe, USA, and Canada, headlining festivals like Outlook, Shambhala, and Bass Coast, Abstrakt still finds time to release his inspiration in the studio. Constantly releasing new anthems on labels like Tru Thoughts, and Deep Dark and Dangerous. His recent collaborations with D Double E, Irah, and Killa P have really set him apart. Abstrakt has pushed sound system culture for 9 years and helped bring grime to Canada while promoting a consciousness to mental health, and a healthy lifestyle. Abstrakt has been an influence in not only the scene but also the community. – Music Producer

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/oaQ5g
    Abstrakt Sonance: Deconstructs Tribe TUTORiAL-DECiBEL
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