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  • Ableton Push: Workflow And Production TUTORiAL

    Ableton Push: Workflow & Production

    P2P | 18 August 2022 | 7.14 GB

    English | Duration: 6h 6m

    Ableton Push users,Producers new to Push,Beginner to advanced Push users. Learn Push workflow and production techniques with Ableton Certified Trainer Mitch Lee. UPDATED FOR LIVE 10.1. UPDATED FOR LIVE 10.1 Learn Push workflow and production techniques from Ableton Certified trainer and award winning producer Mitch Lee.Learn to create and produce with the Ableton PushDrum ProgrammingNotes, Chords and ScalesSampling WorkflowRecording AudioArranging and MixingUnderstand production workflow The Ableton Push has changed the way Ableton users produce and perform. Workflow is everything and understanding how best to maximize this instrument is what this course is all about.Content and OverviewDrum ProgrammingDrum programming is one of the many strengths of the Ableton Push. You will learn how to program drums 3 different ways. We start with finger/pad drumming techniques and explain how to setup your loop lengths and quantize settings for best results. Then we create a house beat while explaining step sequencing with the Push.

    Finally we conclude with the Hybrid Technique of finger/pad drumming and step sequencing. The main workflow technique we showcase through all three methods is Subtractive Drum Programming.Notes, Chords and ScalesThe isometric keyboard on the Push allows users to create melodies with ease. The scale function creates a fast way to create melody or bass lines in any key or scale you desire.

    What you’ll learn:
    – Program Drums
    – Play melodies, chords and scales
    – Sample
    – Record and Loop Audio
    – Arrange
    – Mix

    – A basic to intermediate understanding of Ableton Live 9.5 or 10
    – Having a good understanding of Session View is a big help

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/L9bBy
    Ableton Push: Workflow And Production TUTORiAL
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