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    Ableton Live Probability Pack TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | March 28 2019 | 1.01 GB

    Ableton Live 10’s Probability Pack which is free to download if you have Ableton Live 10 Suite. These five creative sequencer plugins allow you to add controlled randomisation to your composition and performance process. Each sequencer has a unique way of adding subtle or extreme randomisation to patterns with unpredictable outcomes. Perfect for generating new ideas, creating variations of existing patterns, or setting up unpredictable, ever-evolving musical or rhythmic textures. Designed for hands-on use with a controller (although hardware is not necessary to use them), Bluffmunkey takes a detailed look at how each of the plugins operates before using them in a real-world example.

    If you own Ableton Live 10 Suite downloading this pack is a no-brainer, just be prepared to lose a few hours seeing what sort of chaos these plugins can generate!

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    Ableton Live Probability Pack TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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