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    16 Pad Chords & Progressions

    DRUMKiDS | 03/25/2017 | 83 MB

    2016 RETAiL eBook

    If you are looking to use your 16 pad drum machine as an instrument, you should consider the 16 Pad Chords & Progressions ebook. This ebook picks up where Essential HipHop Chords left off. In other words consider this ebook the upgrade. Like its predecessor, this ebook was made to accommodate those looking to sound more like a musician. The difference between the two is that the 1st ebook displayed basic or essential chords for Hiphop. 16 Pad Chords & Progressions displays more advanced chords and expands more on the “specialty” section of Essential HipHop Chords.  This ebook sequel also continues with much more chord progressions for instant music creation.

    •180 easy to read 16 Pad diagrams
    •Chord names to help with theory
    •Each chord is key labeled to help with basslines
    •15 chords in all 12 keys formatted for ANY style of music
    •25 chord progressions displayed for your own interpretations
    •12 key labeled 1 shot bass notes (click)
    •41 pages in PDF File format for universal access

    •16 pads in a 4×4 grid formation
    •Enable drum machine/sampler to play notes in chromatic order (key mode)
    •PDF File reader
    •Desire to make some fire

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3h27
    16 Pad Chords and Progressions 2016 RETAiL eBook


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