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    10 Common Distortion Saturation Mistakes

    SYNTHiC4TE | July 4th 2016 | 217 MB

    Distortion and saturation, when misused or poorly executed, can ruin a production just as easily as they can warm it up! That’s what inspired to create this course! Let US make the mistakes so YOU don’t have to! world, is distorted in one way or another. It’s true. That’s not a bad thing, though. It’s a naturally-occurring phenomenon. It’s what gives sound character and warmth. That’s why understanding how to creatively ADD distortion to your music tracks is such an important skill to have in your audio toolbox.

    Many top engineers use distortion and saturation on every track. So you can see how easy it would be to misuse these types of FX! You must have a clear understanding of the different kinds of distortion effects and techniques out there so that you can make the right choices for the instruments in your production and the style of music your producing.

    So join expert audio engineer now and learn what NOT to do when making distortion choices. In less than an hour of study, you will master all kinds of saturation and distortion tips and tricks that are guaranteed to give realistic, analog warmth to all the tracks in your productions.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/B27D
    10 Common Distortion Saturation Mistakes TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE


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