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  • ZG Interface Dance DLP WAV ACiD-ASSiGN

    Interface Dance DLP

    Team ASSiGN | 18 NOVEMBER 2010 | 275.42 MB

    This is a truly excellent all-round dance sample collection. It’s difficult to come up with a winner when there are masses of superb dance sample CDs out there, but Interface Dance has definitely cracked it. Extremely well-organised and categorised, this CD encompasses many areas of dance production including Nu-NRG / Euro, Techno / Industrial, House/Garage, R&B / HipHop, Jungle and Hardcore. Samples for each category include Drum Loops, Hits, Synth & Bass multisamples – with demos illustrating their use (incl.Matrix’s , Jupiters, Moogs etc). Vocal Shouts / Ad-libs and special FX. Instruments specific to sections include TB303 basslines, Horn hits & stabs, Piano,Sax & Hammond Organ multisamples, Guitar riffs, MC/Ragga Vocals and more…

    ZG Interface Dance DLP WAV ACiD-ASSiGN


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