Yamaha PSR-3000 KONTAKT
Intrinsic | 26-03-2015 | 18.2 GB
Yamaha PSR 3000 – NKI is a library of sounds of the most powerful workstation Yamaha PSR 3000. Here the best are included all presets from hardware model. Yamaha PSR 3000 it is one their most popular workstations. The given library allows to have sounds of this instrument at you on a computer.
Year of release: 2010
Compatibility: PC OS Windows & Mac OS
Software requirements: Kontakt 4.1 and high versions
Format & Quality: Kontakt Instrument NKI 48.000Hz; 24 Bit / Stereo / High Quality
Language of the interface: English
Size: 18.2Gb (5DVD discs)INFO/DEMO/BUY: DiSCONTiNUED
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