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✅ W-Xylophone KONTAKT

July 22nd, 2015 ⚡
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    W-Xylophone KONTAKT

    Team SONiTUS | 09.03.2013 | 160 MB

    44 piece Yamaha Xylophone recorded in stereo, played with mallets. Condenser mic placed on the high notes and another condenser mic on the low ones. Røde mics, Audient preamps and Apogee converters. 3 NKI files with different pan presets (Center, Stereo with High keys on the right and low and the left and inverted stereo). 1,300+ WAV files included (no encryption). 5 round robin (aka repetitions) and 3 velocities (piano, normal and hard) for each note with no pitch shifting, all keys were sampled! Perfect for comical music, orchestral, caribbean, etc.

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/37rk
    W-Xylophone KONTAKT


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