Vintage Disco Kit MULTiFORMAT

    FANTASTiC | 26 September 2016 | 1.65 GB

    We all love the original Disco era, influenced by many and sampled 1000’s of times. So what is it about the Disco sound that makes it so enticing ? For us at would have to mean a fat low end from the kick but with a little hi end bite to cut through the four to the floor groove, a warm and rich snare to keep that beat focused that of course tonally mixes with a clap just perfect. Sweet yet fast sounding 15 inch hi hats for a classy open hi hat sound. All Toms low and dead ready for the supersonic fills and breakdowns neccesary to hype the dance floor into a frenzy.

    The Kontakt Pack comes with the Kontakt Instrument for exclusive use in Native Instruments Kontakt version 5.5 (you will need the full version). The new instrument comes with it’s own mixer section giving you control over the individual drum tracks and convolution reverbs that we have included. Each channel has four dynamics to choose from, two delays and two convolution reverbs. You can change the velocity curves of the drums and there is a randomisation feature to add subtle changes to make the drums even more realistic. The Kontakt pack comes with 61 separate articulations, 24 velocity steps and includes 5 round robins. This pack comes loaded with 12731 samples.

    The BFD Pack is a sampler pack that can be loaded into BFD3, BFD2 or BFD Eco. The BFD pack contains the same samples that our Kontakt 5 Pack offers, meaning that BFD users can enjoy the same realism and quality that our Kontakt 5 users enjoy. It contains 57 articulations and the kit has been recorded in up to 120 velocity steps. You have full control over each drum and once loaded into BFD you can enjoy all the same features that you would expect from any other BFD kit. Once the kit has been recognized by BFD, just simply select your desired kit piece from the list in the same way that you would load any other drum in BFD. The BFD pack also includes many Disco MIDI grooves.

    The Multi-Sample pack provides up to 24 velocity steps of each articulation. Each sample included in this pack is a mix of the overhead, room mics and close mics. This pack comes with patches for Battery 3, Kontakt 5.5, EXS24, Maschine, Geist, Studio One’s Impact Soundset, Ableton Drum Rack, iDrum, Reason Refills, Renoise and SFZ (which is 1.0 compliant and has been tested with Plogue Sforzando, Cakewalk SFZ and Linux Sampler) but the samples can be used in any drum machine or sampler that reads 24 bit WAV files. We also include 16 bit samples for old school samplers. Some of the software patches (Battery, EXS24, SFZ and Kontakt) also support round robin samples. We have included three round robin samples of each velocity for added realism. The multi-sample pack now includes over 1300 MIDI drum loops covering a variety of genres and over 100 disco loops. This pack is a great choice for those who want multiple velocity articulations. This pack comes with 1743 samples.

    The Drum Replacement pack is our sample replacement pack. This pack comes with three different patches – Slate Trigger V2, Drumagog V5 & V4 and DrumXchanger. Each patch uses different amounts of samples depending on the capability of the software. If you run any of these pieces of software then this pack is for you.

    The All Samples pack contains the Multi-sample Pack, the Drum Replacement Pack and most of the the seperate mic samples from the Kontakt 5 Pack. This pack gives you ultimate flexibility. You get all the patches we create and three different packs of samples. It does not contain our Kontakt instrument which can only be found in the Kontakt pack. In this kit we have also included an SFZ 2.0 compliant patch which has been tested with Plogue Sforzando and it uses the seperate mic samples.

    The One Shot Sample pack is our cheapest pack and a great pack for those who either just need one sample from each articulation (drum machine users) and no patches or for customers who want to check out the sound of this kit before purchasing any of the more expensive packs.  Whichever pack you choose you can be reassured that is has the quality stamped all over it. Explore more of these pages to read about the kit and work out which pack is best for you. If you want a vintage disco kit sound to emulate the sounds of the disco 70s then this is a great place to start. If you can’t wait to get your hands on these packs then check out our drum tracks album Disco Drops. This drum track album contains 19 disco drum tracks recorded using a similar kit, in the same studio. All the tracks are available to buy as multi-tracks, stem packs and drum loops.

    The Drum Kit – Vintage Disco Kit
    The vintage Disco kit used a 70s Rogers Big R Kit which was tuned for the perfect disco sound. It comprises a 24″ x 14″ Bass Drum, a Sonor Sonorlite 14” x 6.5″ and Sonor Maple 14″ x 7″ Snare Drum, a huge 18″ x 16″ Floor Tom, and two Rack Toms, a 14″ x 10″ and a 13” x 8”. The cymbals used were 15″ HHX X-Celerator Hi-Hats, a 17″ Zildjian K Dark, an 18″ Sabian HH extra thin Crash and a 20″ Sabian Artisan Ride. Percussion for this kit includes cowbells, tambourine and cabassa. We have also included some short and long claps from an original Claptrap. Everything you need for a 70s disco kit.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/3fY96
    Vintage Disco Kit MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC
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