Urban Allstars WAV MASCHiNE
DiSCOVER | 08 AUGUST 2013 | 238 MB
Urban Allstars contains a massive collection of 32 fully integrated Maschine and Maschine Mikro kits. We are talking about banging drum kits, vocal hooks, keys, bass, synths, both acoustic and electric guitar, and fx. It also contains 13 projects, and 3 banging fx chains. Although these kits are specifically developed to auto-load inside of Maschine and Maschine Mikro. However, if you do not own Maschine or Maschine Mikro you can use the wav files that are included in your own DAW or sampler.
Kit Details:
- 32 Total Kits (Including Melodic, Drums, Vocals, & Special FX)
- Auto-Loads inside of Maschine and Maschine Mikro
- 3 FX Chains developed by a top flight engineer
- 13 Projects
- 384.5 MB of Content
- Maschine & Maschine Mikro (all kits auto-load)
INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/G229
Urban Allstars WAV Ni MASCHiNE KiT
https://beelink.pro/8594/Urban-Allstars-WAV-Ni-MASCHiNE-KiT.htmlRelated Post: