Trap Melodies WAV MiDi NMSV
DISCOVER | 20 MARCH 2015 | 107 MB
“Trap Melodies” Dark & Headbanging trap melodies in MIDI and WAV loop samples. “Trap Melodies” dominates on “The Second Wave” type. Dark & bleak feel. The MIDI files will provide you flexibility. You can edit, transpose, rearrange and of course assign any sound you want from your favorite Synthesizer. The WAV files are base on the MIDI files with different synth sounds, you can resample and process it, creating a different rhythmic feel. Be inspired the editing possibilities are endless.
• 25 140BPM
• 25 175BPM
Total MIDI: 50Loops:
• 25 140BPM
• 25 175BPM
Total Loops: 50Bonus:
• 10 Trap Year [Massive Presets]
• Genre: TrapDEMO/PREViEW:
Trap Melodies WAV MiDi NMSV-DISCOVER Post: