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    Trailer Voice Mythology WAV

    P2P | WAV | 67.65 MB

    Voice-over cues for promos, trailers, event introductions, dvd and cd presentations, sports events, launches, epic entrances, teasers, world premieres, song enhancement and many, many more impressive narrative moments. If you need to make an impact, want to blow your audience away, make an everlasting impression on your clients, sweep all your competitors of their feet, or simply blow a hole in the theater’s roof.

    Giving their all and performing to the highest quality standard for this unique and one of a kind sound design library.. The library provides a broad sound pallet of voice styles and timbres. Each voice collection is divided in different styles, to give you inspiration and provide you with the most impressive, authoritative, hard hitting“Hollywood” warm, mystical and mysterious sound.

    Trailer Voice Mythology WAV



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