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    Toy Percussion For Noiiz Player

    FANTASTiC | 14 May 2018 | 372 MB

    Sometimes, we take things a bit too seriously. Its true, we all grow up a bit too fast, which is why we created Toy Percussion! Bursting with lively, amusing and slightly unsteady sounds including the adorable Toy Piano, clunky Toy Bells, a heart-warming Xylophone, a plinky-plonky music box and outrageously fun ‘Boom Whackers’. Don’t forget to tidy up! Inside this playful little collection you’ll find multi-sampled Noiiz Player instruments for each toy, plus a bonus instrument that contains all in one if you’re really looking to have fun! Faithfully recorded with a matched, stereo pair of Aston Starlights, A Neumann TLM 103 and an Aston Spirit, we’ve made sure we capture all the mechanical naughtiness we could.

    Key Features…
    •Multi-sampled Toy Percussion Instruments
    •Extensive velocity and round robin layers for ultra-realistic sound
    •10 Octaves sampled + additional notes resampled across entire keyboard range
    •Pitch, filter, drive, delay & reverb for quick effects

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/R9uv
    Toy Percussion For Noiiz Player


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