Total Control eMOOG E-MU
Team TZ7iSO | 05.05.2004 | 398.97 MB
Imagine a real analogue synthesizer that’s easy to operate, with direct access to the sound – just turn the filter-, modulation- and envelope-knobs, and the sound changes immediately. No complex menu structures, no boring parameter dialing.
This is exactly the way you work with EMOOG:
just turn knobs for all important sound parameters and change the sound in realtime!
Reproduce dynamic and rhythmic patterns like filter sweep lines by recording the knob movements with your sequencer. Overdub and edit these recordings as you want, and use up to 8 MIDI control channels simultaneously! And now imagine up to 32 powerful polyphonic synthesizers with the real, punchy sound of true analogue synthesis and perfect realtime control right at your fingertips. You would need a room full of expensive and highly sensitive equipment to realize this with common analogue technology. How does this dream work?
The principle of EMOOG:
We’ve generated complex analogue generator templates by connecting, mixing and modulating real analogue synthesis elements (oscillators, filters, feedbacks, distortion amps, noise generators, vocoders, ring modulators …) to create powerful analogue multisamples that can be filtered and processed easily by E-mu’s internal synthesis section. This allows you to work with the original, complex analogue stuff which cannot be realized digitally. The amazing sounding modulation of a resonant filter with noise for example is simply impossible for today’s digital synthesizers and virtual systems – the processing power of current available DSPs is simply not high enough to calculate such complex modulations in realtime.Bank content & structure:
Every bank on the EMOOG CD-ROM contains one multisampled generator template with a key range from C0 to C6. Each sample has been looped perfectly to support the creation of pad- and layer sounds. At first you find 20 performance presets which have been created for instantaneous play. These presets contain typical, often used string- and brass-type envelope styles as well as percussive and sweep variations. Many of E-mu’s different filter settings are used for a great variety of sound. To control the filter cutoff in realtime use aftertouch, velocity and the control channel A. The next 20 presets are the realtime control presets which give you wide range access to the sounds via MIDI-Controllers. Every preset has similar parameter- and controller-settings, but works with different filter types. So it’s possible to change the complete style of a sound pattern without affecting the control line just by easy changing the preset.REMENBER you can EXTRACT, or CONVERT E-MU Format USiNG:
– Extreme Sample Converter
– CDXtract v4.5 & 4.5.1 WiN MACTotal Control eMOOG E-MU-TZ7iSO
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