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    The Strumstick KONTAKT

    DiSCOVER | April/26Th/2018 | 1.25 GB

    What has only three strings and has a sound somewhere between a banjo and a guitar? No, I’m not talking about student violins from China, I’m talking about the McNally Strumstick, or more specifically the Diatonic D Grand, our victim today. We’ve recorded just about ‘all she wrote’ on this instrument- picked, plucked, bowed, and more, with sampled releases, easy string selection via modwheel, two mic positions, and at up to 3 velocities and 4 round robins- 1,700 samples and 20 articulations in all.

    Requirements: Native Instruments Kontakt v5.6.8+ or higher.

    ……:::::: I N T E R F A C E ::::::……
    TEAM DISCOVER screenshot

    ……:::::: DEMO/PREViEW ::::::……

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/1W78
    The Strumstick KONTAKT-DiSCOVER


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