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    The Indi Glock KONTAKT EXS24

    DiSCOVER | 20 JANUARY 2016 | 377 MB

    “The Indi Glock” is a 500MB glockenspiel library for Kontakt 5 and above. The Indi Glock is perfectly sampled with a Ribbon Mic and heavily driven tube preamp. The combination of this traditionally “dark” sounding signal path with an instrument that can too easily sound harsh results in a perfect tone. Smooth is not generally an adjective used to describe glockenspiel samples, but this is a smooth sounding instrument. It comes in two versions, one recorded with traditional legato mallet strokes, the other with muted mallet strokes. It is difficult for players to control the sustain on this instrument, so the inclusion of a dedicated muted sample set is a real bonus.

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO: http://goo.gl/qLOmmS
    The Indi Glock KONTAKT EXS24-DiSCOVER


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