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    The Forty-Six Expansion Kit WAV

    P2P | 26.12.2017 | 233.09 MB

    (OvO Inspired)

    The new OVO inspired ‘Forty-Six Expansion Kit’. This kit was designed to give you that Toronto sound created by Noah “40” Shebib and Drake “The 6”. It includes 40 instruments (pads, brass, subs, rhodes and more) plus 6 drum kits titled Dance, Energy, Hotline, Jumpman, Rings and The Weekend. Comes in Maschine as well as .wav format and works with any major sampler or DAW such as (maschine, mpc, fl studio, reason, logic, ableton, protools etc.). Get your copy today!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/Y7Xx
    The Forty-Six Expansion Kit (OvO Inspired)


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