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    The Cassamplerette Renaissance KONTAKT

    DiSCOVER | May 27 2016 | 1.25 GB

    “Whilst racking our brains for new and exciting instruments to create sample instruments from, we started playing around with an old cassette machine we had in the workshop. Alan had the great idea of making a cassette-based sampler instrument triggered from a single key mechanism we had lying around. Unlike the classic mellotron, this crackpot contraption used a cassette mechanism, a single key and whatever cassette tapes we had lying around.”

    Being the proud owners of the Cassamplerette we decided to make the most of it!

    We found 49 appropriate instruments and also a huge amount of drums and percussion and recorded them painfully and slowly to the Cassamplerette at as many pitches/keys/notes as we could get per instrument!

    We then transferred and edited all these recordings to Kontakt through a killer signal path (vintage neve pres and prism conversion) and created a digital version of the Cassamplerette but with all the convenience that Kontakt offers!

    All the original Cassamplerette instruments in one big pile!
    TEAM DISCOVER screenshot

    ……:::::: FEATURES ::::::……
    • 49 real instruments lovingly recorded note by note from Cassamplerette tapes and made into a fully controllable TWO channel Kontakt instrument!
    • Efficient and automatic purging of memory gives access to ALL the original cassamplerette sounds in one low impact instrument.
    • A comprehensive GUI giving control of, FX, distortion and other parameters as per the original Cassamplerette PLUS per voice controls also!
    • Five Custom IRs made from rare and fabulous vintage spring reverbs
    • A separate ‘wonkiness’ control AND cassette tape noise level control
    • The sound of cool instruments playing back from crusty, bendy, lofi cassette tape! NOW TWO AT THE SAME TIME!! Find delightful combinations of tone and smush em together in the brand new Cassamplerette Renaissance.
    • Separate CASSAMPLERETTE DRUM INSTRUMENT also included!
    • 8 separate simultaneous drum voices/clickable pads with 123 different sounds!!! Pads organised into Kick, Snare, Tom1, Tom2, Hats, Perc, Ride and Crash
    • Select by midi controls for each pad for easy use with E-Drums or midi pads/mpcs etc.
    Requirements: Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4+ or higher.

    ……:::::: INSTRUMENT GUIs ::::::……
    TEAM DISCOVER screenshot

    ……:::::: DEMO/PREViEW – SETS/10 TRACKS ::::::……

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3dgm
    The Cassamplerette Renaissance KONTAKT-DiSCOVER


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