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  • The Atomic Breakz WAV-FANTASTiC

    The Atomic Breakz

    FANTASTiC | 12 January 2023 | 103 MB

    If you are a music producer or beatmaker, (especially of the Hip-hop genre) I’m sure that you can understand the sheer euphoria of finding that open drum break while listening through the vinyl records you’ve just purchased. This was my mindset while creating The Atomic Breakz Drumkit. I have crafted 50 Drum breaks/Drum loops and 20 Drum fills to add to your next track. These were professionally recorded and then minimally processed through Industry grade, Analog-Modeled Plugins for added warmth and tone. These samples are great for layering, adding texture, transitions, or just adding to your melody to complete your song. Just like the samples included in my Atomic Drumz Drumkit Series, each sample is Original, Royalty-Free, and I’ve included BPM/Tempo information for each sample.

    Download your copy today! Atomic Breakz Includes: – 50 Original Drum Breaks/ Drum Loops – 20 Original Drum Fills – Recorded in 16-bit/44.1k Stereo Format – Minimally Processed through Industry Grade, Analog-Modeled Plugins for Warmth and Tone – BPM/Tempo Information – Compatible with any Drum Machine or DAW – Royalty-Free Kit, Artwork, and Demo Beat Created by Fouché

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/ryYMr
    The Atomic Breakz WAV-FANTASTiC
    ♪ Download ♪


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