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    The Art of Brushes Vol.5 MULTiFORMAT

    FANTASTiC | June 18 2017 | 1.02 GB

    Do you like warm, natural, punchy and “real” drums? Then Art of Brushes Vol 5 is the collection you’ve been looking for.  Featuring six unique sessions (recorded on six different drum kits), this library covers a wide range of grooves and styles, all with an extremely organic and “human” vibe that only live brushes can produce. Each session contains dozens of groove variations, fills, and transitions, allowing you to easily build a custom drum track in seconds. We also meticulously sampled the brushes on every drum and cymbal, giving you incredible flexibility for layering and designing your own brush-based grooves.

    Number of Loops: 204
    Number of Samples: 85
    Tempo Range: 72-215 BPM

    – 100% Royalty Free
    – High Quality 24 Bit 48 KHZ Audio
    – Stylus RMX, WAV, REX2 and AIFF (Apple Loops) Formats

    Sets included:
    •72bpm Big Fat Snare
    •100bpm Junkyard
    •115bpm High And Low
    •128bpm All Fours
    •160bpm Bluesy Three Four
    •215bpm On TheTracks

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3hfd
    The Art of Brushes Vol.5 MULTiFORMAT


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