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✅ Techno Synths WAV

July 2nd, 2021 ⚡
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    Techno Synths WAV

    JukeDon | 30/12/2019 | 789.5 MB

    “TECHNO SYNTHS” with over 230 samples targeted towards your layered loop creation enabling you to start making fat sounding techno tracks in just minutes! A SAMPLE pack that is solely focused on HUGE TECHNO ARPS and SYNTHS! We know that one of the hardest and time consuming parts in music production is coming up with massive sounding synth lines… Synth lines that could hypnotize anyone on the dance floor and prepare them for the ultimate DROP! The Idea behind the project was to focus on just that, giving you endless possibilities with ready to go SYNTH SAMPLES specifically targeted towards techno as well as Tech house.

    Pack Includes:
    • 100 SYNTH LOOPS / ARPS (50 Wet / 50 Dry)
    • 36 VOCALS (FEMALE)
    • 34 VOCALS (MALE)
    • 20 KICKS
    • 20 HATS
    • 20 SNARES

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/o2xB
    Techno Synths WAV


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