• Tape Drum Machine Collection MULTiFORMAT

    Tape Drum Machine Collection

    P2P | 23.06.2010 | 1.30 GB

    55 drum machines recorded through real tape machines and hardware tape emulations in the studio. Vintage drum machines from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and a few modern classics. Also some rare and unusual auto rhythm machines. A veritable smorgasbord of warm, punchy and interesting analog and digital drum machine sounds. 7000 x 24 bit wav samples and 325 x Auto Rhythm Drum Loops (Rex & Wav). With kits and instruments for Maschine, Geist, Battery, Logic Pro and Kontakt. Check out this SmugMug gallery for some photos of the drum machines I used for this pack List of drum machines used: CR-78, 4 In The Floor, Acetone Rhythm Producer, Mam ADX-1, Dr Bohm, Combo Sideman, Conn Rhapsody, DDM-110, DDM-220, DDR30, DPM-48, DR-55, DR-110, DRM-15, DRM-16, DRM-32, Drumulator, DSM-1, ED-10, Super Spacedrum, Crash Pad, ER1, KPR-77, KR-55B, Linn LM1, Linn LM2, MBase01, MFB-522, MicroRhythmer, MPC-The Kit, MR-10, MRX-185,Olsen X-100, PB-300, PO-12, R-50e, R-50III, R-70, R-100, Rhythm-80, Ritmo-12, RPM-40, RX-5, RX-21L, RZ-1, Synsonic Pro, Tom, TR-55, TR-330, TR-505, TR-626, TR-707, TR-727, Volca Kick, XD-5, Various Rom808 and Rom909 sounds.

    Downloadable pack – 1.3 GB

    • 7000 x 24 bit wav samples
    • 325 x Loops (Rex and Wav)
    • Maschine 2 – 2 Projects, 60 x Drum Kits, 43 x Chrom Drum Patches and 11 Loop Kits
    • Geist – 60 x Presets and 61 Kits
    • Battery 3 – 60 x Drum Kits
    • Kontakt 5 (full version only, not the free player) – 60 x Drum kits, 43 x chrom drum patches
    • Logic Pro EXS24 – 60 x Drum Kits, 43 x Chrom Drum Patches.
    • Ableton Live – 60 x Drum Racks, 43 x Simpler Patches, 60 Demo Clips
    • Also available as 16 bit wav for Hardware


    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/D194
    Tape Drum Machine Collection MULTiFORMAT


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