  • SYNTH CiTY Vol.1 AKAi 2CDs-TZ7iSO

    SYNTH CiTY Vol.1 AKAi

    TZ7iSO | 06.07.2001 | 831 MB

    The Synth City collection from USB will take you on a journey in the sonic world of the most famous synths on the planet. Each volume of Synth City is a double Akai CD-ROM set chock-full of synth sounds, for the price of one. Superb sounds from the best synthesizers ever created, all ready to play from your sampler.

    Vol.1: JD-800 and M1 Impressions
    Synth City Vol.1 is exploring two best selling synths : the Roland JD800 (CD 1) and Korg T1 & M1 (CD 2). the subtle mix of warm analog sounds and digital textures is typical of the JD800.

    ░▒▓█ TZ7: A Word About █▓▒░
    ░▒▓█ We couldnt say that the Korg M1 and JD800 are in the Great “Vintage” █▓▒░
    ░▒▓█ Synths family but we have to admit the fact: This compilation have a surely █▓▒░
    ░▒▓█ deserved a hot place near them… Sounds are purrrfect for any kind of █▓▒░
    ░▒▓█ “generic” dance music… Enjoy !!!

    SYNTH CiTY Vol.1 AKAi 2CDs-TZ7iSO
    ♪ Download ♪


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