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  • Super Heavy Cinematic Drum Kit Wav Magesy

    SUPER HEAVY: Cinematic Drums

    P2P | 02 September 2023 | 428 MB

    Cinematic drum sounds are one of the most universal sounds you can find. They fit almost every single genre and their presence always adds flavor to the track. We hired professional sound designers & players and recorded their performance. We processed each hit leaving you no additional work to do other than dragging and dropping into your project. Each sound went through the series of processing steps such as transient designing, tone shaping, dynamic control, space crafting and more. We belief cinematic drums can be a great addition to most songs. From single drum hits to transitions, it’s versatility will make you find a use of it in lots of different scenarios. With this pack you can both produce modern EDM music and create cinematic movie soundtracks.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/NsB4V
    SUPER HEAVY: Cinematic Drum Kit WAV
    ♪ Download ♪


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